How To Convert Your Outdoor Lighting to Solar

A picture of solar lights in a garden with a pathway

If you plan to utilize the sun’s energy to power your outdoor lighting, there are two main options. The first option is to connect the lighting to a solar-powered battery. You can also remove the lighting and replace it with a stand-alone solar light. The first option is more costly. However, it is a great option if you want to keep your current light fixtures.

Using a Standalone Solar Option

The stand-alone is more of a replacement. Most solar light fixtures are inexpensive and do not require a lot of technical expertise. They draw their energy from the sun, store it in an in-built battery, and can be used at night. Some solar light systems also allow you to buy extra panels and wires to connect them. With such a system, you can place the solar panels in a lighted area while keeping the light fixture in a shaded area.

The only downside is that solar light fixtures will usually become dimmer as the night proceeds since the charge in the battery diminishes. However, during the early part of the night, when you are most likely to be active, they will provide adequate illumination. You can also install a motion-sensor triggered system to ensure that the light only works when there is movement.

Converting an Existing System to Solar Power

If you prefer your outdoor lighting but you wish to reduce your energy bills, you can do so without replacing it. To do this, you will need to purchase other components besides the solar panels. However, you must replace the light bulbs with LED bulbs to reduce the amount of energy consumed. Modern LED bulbs are advanced and they produce as much illumination as incandescent bulbs.

The Components

When deciding on a solar-powered system, the first thing you should consider is the size of your battery bank.  

Battery Bank

To power your outdoor lighting, you will require at least one deep cell battery. It should have a rating of at least 150 amp hours, which allows the system to compensate for cloudy conditions and the power inverter. The more power that can be stored in the battery, the longer your lights can be powered. However, bigger battery capacity will require a bigger solar array to charge it. 

Solar Panels 

Any solar panel that has an output of 5 watts or more can charge the battery. However, the more solar panels you have, the faster the battery will be charged. Thus, if you have 150 Ah battery and you have around 8 hours of sunlight, the solar panels should have an out of at least 120 watts. You can buy a single solar panel rated at 120 watts or you can combine small solar panels cumulative generate 120 watts. For instance, if you have a 60-watt panel, you can buy two.

Charge Controller

The charge controller is not a core component. However, your system works better if you have it. It is placed between the battery and the solar panels, which prevent the overcharging of the battery. 


The inverter converts the DC power into 120V AC power. The existing lighting system can be connected directly to the inverter. Good sizing for the inverter is 600 watts, which will ensure that your home is sufficiently powered without draining the battery pack quickly.


 Ensure that the battery is stored in a secure location, away from the elements. The solar panels should be placed in a place without any shading. Finally, do not forget to add a switch. After all, you do not want the lights to drain the battery as it charges during the day.

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