How to Search For Solar Information

Man searching for solar information

Despite the growing interest in solar power, there is still the challenge of getting access to high-quality solar information. As a result, most people who wish to adopt solar power are usually intimidated by how complex solar power seems and they usually turn away from it. Here are some useful resources to help you find high-quality information on the solar industry. 


The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is a national trade association in the US. It draws its membership from all areas of the solar sector including manufacturers, researchers, distributors, financiers, and solar projects. SEIA represents all stakeholders within the US solar industry.

On its site, you will find a lot of useful information on various issues in the solar industry such as policy issues, technological developments, and recent news on the solar sector. The site contains important facts sheets and data analysis on the solar market. Their data is used around the world to help government agencies and consultants make the right decisions. On the site, there are also interactive features to help people get involved in solar advocacy.


The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) is a non-profit association dedicated to providing educational resources to help utilities integrate solar power. It promotes collaborative efforts between solar firms and customers and advocates for continued advancement in solar technology. The site also provides information on upcoming events within the solar industry such as webinars, workshops, and conferences.

SEPA aims to provide stakeholders in the solar industry with a better understanding of the solar market and technical issues within the industry. They also run a utility solar blog that features articles from reputable authors. Besides that, they have a section for public contributions.

Department of Energy

The United States Department of Energy has a goal of overcoming environmental, nuclear, and energy challenges facing the US using transformative science and technology. Its site provides an overview of the nation’s energy priorities that include its energy sources, nuclear safety, and environmental protection. The site also contains all recent advances in the solar industry. Besides that, it contains information about future developments in the solar sector.


Solar Energy International (SEI) is a non-profit that is dedicated to the dissemination of information about the solar industry. The organization provides technical training in renewable energy to improve the quality of life for people while promoting sustainable development globally.

The company offers various online workshops and courses for the public. Its site has data about various international solar projects that include an in-depth analysis of programs and the long-term goals of the projects. They also provide a link to the SEI digital print magazine.


SolarReviews is an online platform that promotes reputable solar installers to their consumers. The site believes that if consumers have information on their installers, it can help to improve the uptake of solar power. It also provides basic information to people who are relatively new to the solar industry.


 With the resource listed above, it will help anyone new to the solar industry get a good overview and understanding of how solar power works.

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